08 August, 2011


It's time for another new post; already. This time, Danish Director Ole Bornedal's Deliver Us From Evil. It took two years for it to be released on DVD in the U.S., but it was worth the wait.

Deliver Us From Evil

Directed & Written by Ole Bornedal; starring Lasse Rimmer, Lene Nystrøm and Jens Anderson.

Johannes and Pernille live pleasantly in an idyllic Danish town. They have two perfect children, and seemingly perfect lives. However, something unspoken has come between them, causing a slight friction that belies their happiness. Fate and Johannes' drunken louse of a brother, Lars, decide to shake things the hell up when Lars' actions turn the town into a mob. The unspoken issues of love and hate hidden within Johannes, his family, and the town, come to the forefront in a rage of violence that forces all to look into the face of evil.

Ole Bornedal's Deliver Us From Evil is masterful. The Danish auteur's psychological thriller is as thought provoking and enthralling a film as I've seen in a long time. The characters, and actors portraying them, deftly show the immoral acts that allow the evil to seep into the film's town. A slow crawl builds throughout the film, until an incredible third act in which a heavy influence of German Expressionism pulls the characters and events to an all too believable head, and an intriguing conclusion.

Ole Bornedal's Filmography:
I Am Dina
The Substitute
Just Another Love Story
Deliver Us From Evil

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