Ha Jung-woo stars as a man struggling to make a living in the Korean Autonomous Prefecture of Yaniban, on the Chinese side of the border between China-Russia-North Korea. When Kim Yoon-seok's character approaches him with an offer: kill a man in South Korea for him, and he will give him enough money to get out of debt and start a new life. Ha's character agrees, and goes to South Korea to look for his missing wife, as well. While in the process of murder and spousal search, he runs afoul of the police, gangsters and winds up in over his head in every way possible.
The Yellow Sea is the second feature from South Korean Director Na Hong-jin. Na's debut, The Chaser, was one of the most exciting thrillers I've ever seen. So, my expectations for The Yellow Sea we high, to say the least. Thankfully, Na's skill at telling a tense thriller haven't waned since his debut. The Yellow Sea is an extremely tense and exciting film, and it's one of the best released in 2011. I can't wait to see what Na Hong-jin makes next.
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