06 March, 2009

Hidden In the Chaos

On the first day of Hwang Jung-min films I give to thee, my thoughts on a film I watched on dvd. (try singing the preceeding sentence to the tune of the "12 Days of Christmas", I did, and it was fun).

Bloody Tie
Directed by Choi Ho, starring (suprise!) Hwang Jung-min, and Ryu Seung-beom.

Lt. Do (Hwang) is a sad, sad excuse of a cop. He spends most of his time engaging in either criminal activites, or avoiding work. In an effort to show up the new D.A., who is cracking down the illegal drug world, Do partners up with low-level drug dealer Sang-do (Ryu) to take down a drug kingpin. Initially, the two make an effort to bring the bad guys in, but Sang-do soon creates a drug empire of his own.

Hwang Jung-min's Lt. Do is badass. Take equal parts Dirty Harry, Shaft, and Insp. Tequila, mix them all together, and you'll end up with Lt. Do. The story in Bloody Tie isn't anything all the great, but Hwang's Do makes up for any failings the film might have.

While Hwang's performance is nothing short of incredible, Ryu's portrayal of sleezy drug dealer Sang-do is terrifically entertaining in it's own right. Portraying a slimy criminal, who is at times pathetic and at others smooth, is no small task. Thankfully, Ryu performs quite well.

The scenes between the two leads are one of the highlights of Bloody Tie. Ryu plays the perfect foil to Hwang's cop, and when the two begin their investigation the comedic bits are hilarious. For a cop/revenge/crime drama, Bloody Tie is pretty good, and for the performances, it's outstanding.

Check back tomorrow for the second day in the five days of Hwang Jung-min films.

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